
Ardtornish Estate Office
by Oban
PA80 5UZ
See map

  • Brown trout
  • Salmon
  • Sea trout

Contact:Kenny McLaughlin

Tel:01967 421288

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The crystal clear waters of the River Aline provide 3 miles of double bank fishing on a traditional Highland spate river. Salmon and sea trout run the river from late spring onwards, with the best fishing in August and September as the grilse come in. Pools on the river are easily accessed and in most conditions can be successfully fished without the need for wading.

For those prepared to head out onto the open hill, the 15 hill lochs on Ardtornish Estate offer some truly wild brown trout fishing with not a soul to disturb your peace. The fish are not large, but you might not believe that as you fight with one on the end of your line! Why not take in four or five lochs for an unforgettable day’s fishing in a stunning, unspoilt location.

If size is important to you, then the larger lochs in the catchment are home to some impressive trout. 1-2lb fish are plentiful on Lochs Doire nam mart and Tearnait, while Loch Arienas offers the chance to catch an exceptional trout with the current record standing at 16lbs.

The fishery distilled

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The fishery distilled

River Aline

  • Fished for Salmon and Sea Trout. The 5 year average catch up to 2014 is 20 salmon and 28 sea trout per year.
  • Divided into 6 beats for 2 rods each. These rotate and rods fish 3 beats per day.
  • £30 per day for two rods from July to October; £10 per day for two rods in May and June.
  • 100% catch and release.
  • Fly fishing only.
  • Permits available from the Ardtornish Estate Office.

Loch fishing

  • Wild brown trout fishing available on large, low level Lochs Arienas, Doire nam Mart and Tearnait as well as 16 hill lochs within the Estate.
  • Trout season runs from March until 15 October.
  • Record trout caught on Loch Arienas is 16lb.
  • Loch fishing is free for guests staying at Estate Accommodation.
  • Non-guests can fish Arienas and Doire nam Mart for £8.50 per day and other hill lochs for £5 per day.
  • Boat hire is available at £30 per day on Loch Arienas (£45 with an engine) and £20 per day on Loch Tearnait.
  • Permits available from the Ardtornish Estate Office.

How to get here

From the mainland cross Loch Linnhe via the Corran Ferry and continue on the A861 out of Ardgour. Just before the head of Loch Sunart turn left onto the A884 signposted to Lochaline and follow this scenic road for approximately 10 miles until just before Lochaline village. Turn left onto the road signposted for Ardtornish and follow this over the river and round to the left to the estate office where information and permits are available.

From Mull take the Fishnish ferry to Lochaline. Go out through the village and a mile north take a right turn signposted Ardtornish. Follow the estate road over the river and round to the left to the estate office where information and permits are available.


  • Fishing is by fly only with no spinners or bait fishing permitted.
  • To preserve precious stocks, a catch and release policy applies to all salmon and sea trout caught.
  • All anglers must provide a catch return to the estate so the health of stocks can be monitored.

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